The simple, uncomplicated beauty of silver. I love working it into more fluid shapes, texturing it and allowing designs to unfold organically.

Silver will always hold a special place in my heart.
As a student, It was the first precious metal I worked with, which then quickly led to my love of silversmithing.
For years I designed silver jewellery for the London high street and got to travel and see its creation on a larger scale, first hand.
And now at my own bench I draw on my past experiences to create one off items that balance uniqueness and wearability. That have meaning for the individual and celebrate the simple, uncomplicated beauty of silver.
I wear silver every day and I often forget to take it off when I swim, which is OK, as long as you are prepared to give it a soapy bath- often.
Silver is an alloy containing copper and it is this base metal that reacts with sulphur in the air, salt in your sweat and oils and moisture in your sunscreen, perfume and bubble bath, causing it to form a layer of tarnish.
The great news is, silver is very easy to clean and you don't need any chemicals to do it. Just some bicarbonate of soda on a soft toothbrush works wonders. Dry your jewellery well afterwards and wrap it in some tissue before putting it away in an air tight container.
You can also store your silver with a piece of chalk to help absorb moisture.